Інформаційний пакет ЄКТС

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Код: 296589


Основи герменевтики

Анотація: The course “The Basics of Hermeneutics” is a necessary part of learning interpretation and mass communications theories. It provides an opportunity to gain the theoretical knowledge and practical skills needed for master’s level research. The course is designed for 6th year students of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Social Technologies, specializing in social communication. “The Basics of Hermeneutics” is important for theoretical training in media studies, development of research skills, studying the hermeneutic phenomenon, exploration of the major intellectual discussions in European history in the philosophical, public and mass communications contexts. Students will have the opportunity to acquire a wide reader's experience, also the ability to use philosophical concepts for reaching an understanding and forming their own point of view on different hermeneutical topics.

Тип дисципліни: нормативна

Рік навчання: 2

Семестр: 4

Кількість кредитів: 3

Форма контролю: екзамен

Викладач(і): Квіт Сергій Миронович

Результати навчання: Knowledge
-the foundations of the interpretation theory in its historical development;
- the practical possibilities of philosophical hermeneutics;
-the fundamentals of communicative philosophy.

• use philosophical concepts in a polemical context;
• build and defend your own point of view;
• think critically by evaluating any sources and messages;
• find understanding, self-understanding, and mutual understanding.

Спосіб навчання: аудиторний

Необхідні обовязкові попередні й супутні модулі: theory of media research

Зміст дисципліни: Course Description The course "The Basics of Hermeneutics" is a necessary part of learning interpretation and mass communications theories. It provides an opportunity to gain the theoretical knowledge and practical skills needed for master's level research. The course is designed for 6th year students of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Social Technologies, specializing in social communication. "The Basics of Hermeneutics" is important for theoretical training in media studies, development of research skills, studying the hermeneutic phenomenon, exploration of the major intellectual discussions in European history in the philosophical, public and mass communications contexts. Students will have the opportunity to acquire a wide reader's experience, also the ability to use philosophical concepts for reaching an understanding and forming their own point of view on different hermeneutical topics.

Рекомендована література: Course Texts

Readings will be available in digital files and on-line:

1. Serhiy Kvit’s blog: http://kvit.ukma.edu.ua/category/hermeneutics/
2. The Hermeneutics of Slyle (2011): http://kvit.ukma.edu.ua/wpcontent/uploads/2011/12/33-100-2-PB.pdf
3. Герменевтика стилю (2011): http://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/bitstream/handle/123456789/1086/Kvit_H ermeneutics%20of%20Style.pdf?sequence=1
4. Saint Augustine’s Hermeneutical Universalism (2010): http://kvit.ukma.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/SaintAugustines-Hermeneutical-Universalism_2010.pdf
5. Truth: Philosophy in Transit (2013): http://kvit.ukma.edu.ua/wpcontent/uploads/2014/08/Truth-Philosophy-in-Transit.pdf
6. A Hermeneutical Perspective on “Fake News” (2019): https://cutt.ly/Ahbeklx
7. The Battle for History and Building of Identity: Fake News confronts Professional News (2021): https://bit.ly/3cTgwxH
8. Media, public rhetoric, and culture in the context of Ukraine’s war for independence from Russia (2022): https://bit.ly/3aJb7LF
9. Russia-Ukraine War through the Prism of Mass Communications (2022): https://bit.ly/3HaOQTd 10. Russia as Evil: False Historical Parallels. Some peculiarities of Russian Political Culture (2022): https://cutt.ly/KL3MQ0D
11. Skeleton Key: How to Understand the Changing World during Ukraine’s War for Independence (2022): https://bit.ly/3CMuKOh
12. Філософська герменевтика і соціальні науки з погляду однієї дискусії (2007):https://goo.gl/wzUvVk
13. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: https://plato.stanford.edu/
14. Videos about Hermeneutics: http://kvit.ukma.edu.ua/2018/08/video-abouthermeneutics/


Topics for Presentations:

1. St. Augustine
2. Montaigne
3. Pascal
4. Kierkegaard
5. Dontsov
6. Malaniuk
7. Marseille
8. Bachelard
9. Frankl
10. Heidegger
11. Gadamer
12. Ricoeur
13. Borges
14. Derrida
15. Foucault
16. The Phenomenon of Europe
17. Psychoanalysis
18. Feminism
19. Existentialism
20. Structuralism
21. Postmodernism
22. Phenomenology
23. Muslim intellectualism
24. Literature as hermeneutics
25. Contemporary Ukrainian intellectualism: aesthetic and Mass communications aspects

Форми та методи навчання: Lectures, Seminars, Self-studying

Методи й критерії оцінювання: Quality control during the trimester is in the forms of oral and written interrogations, collective discussions and individual presentations. Final control is carried out by the end of trimester in the form of a written exam. Conditions for the determination of student academic rankings: Trimester work (participation in lectures and seminars) - 40 points; Presentation within the course - 20 points; Exam: 40 points; Total: 100

Мова навчання: англійська