Інформаційний пакет ЄКТС

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Код: 317030


Міжнародні організації та багатостороння дипломатія

Тип дисципліни: Professionally oriented

Рік навчання: 2

Семестр: Spring

Кількість кредитів: 3 (загальна кількість годин - 90; аудиторні години - 28; самостійна робота - 62)

Форма контролю: Exam

Викладач(і): Master Pavlo Olegovich, docent; Stanislav Oleksandrovych Haevskyi, assistant.

Результати навчання: " formation of students' ability to find and use knowledge that is relevant and can be applied in practice field, skills to identify and analyze problems, organize your information search activities, compare data from various disciplines, evaluate information, work in group and use leadership qualities;
" demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the basic facts, concepts, rules and theories related to leadership in health care;
" apply the acquired knowledge in practical activities;
" the use of appropriate terminology in the process of communication with both specialists and non-specialists in the field of leadership and quality management in health care; effective use of arguments in the process of negotiations, justifications, presentations, defense of one's own position in the process of management activities.

Спосіб навчання: online

Необхідні обовязкові попередні й супутні модулі: -

Зміст дисципліни: During the course students will get acquainted with general notion "leadership", "leader". The Course is focused on types and qualities of a leader in healthcare. Students will define their own style and plan their development for the future five years.

Рекомендована література: 1. John C. Maxwell. The 360° leader (Developing Your Influence from Anywhere in the Organization)
2. John C. Maxwell. Winning with people (Discover the people principles that work for you every time)
3. John C. Maxwell. "21 якість лідера"
4. Стівен Кові "7 навичок високоефективних людей".
5. Allah Nawaz, Irfan Ullah Khan "Leadership theories and styles: a literature review". Journal of Resources Development and Management, Vol.16, 1016.
6. Nan jundeswaras wamy T.S., Swamy D.R. "Leadership styles". Advances in Management, Vol.7(2) February (2014).
7. Richard Bohmer "The instrumental value of medical leadership".
8. Jaynelle F. Stichler "Emotional Intelligence. A critical leadership quality of a nurse executive"
9. Katarzyna Czabanovska et al. in search for a public health leadership competency framework to support leadership curriculum - a consensus study.
10. Ana Horvat, Jovan Filipovic "Service quality and maturity of health care organizations through the lens of Complexity Leadership Theory".
11. Mae Squires et al. "The link between leadership and safety outcomes in hospitals".

Форми та методи навчання: lectures, practical assignments, homework

Методи й критерії оцінювання: rating evaluation with 100 points system: during term activities - 70 points (tests, participation in seminars, homework; final control - 30 points (exam).

Мова навчання: English