Код: 317044Назва:
Економічне оцінювання втручань в охороні здоров`я
Анотація: The course is designed for second-year students of Master program "Management in Health Care". The purpose of this course is to introduce future specialists in health care management to the methodology of economic evaluation of health care technologies (such as health promotion programs, screening programs, diagnostic tests, drugs, etc.). This allows for the best decisions to be made regarding the allocation of limited resources not only to clinically effective but also to cost-effective technologies. Such activities can be carried out both at the level of national and regional programs and at the level of the health care facilities.Тип дисципліни: ElectiveРік навчання: 2Семестр: SpringКількість кредитів: 4 (Total number of hours - 120; in-class hours - 38; independent work - 82)Форма контролю: Passed/Not passedВикладач(і): Yuliia Vernyhor, Senior LecturerРезультати навчання: As a result of mastering the course, students will be able to (1) understand the main methodological principles of economic evaluation studies; (2) read and critically assess published studies on economic evaluation; (3) plan their own economic evaluation studies.Спосіб навчання: In-classНеобхідні обовязкові попередні й супутні модулі: Prerequisites: Heath Care SystemsЗміст дисципліни: The course covers steps in conducting an economic evaluation study, namely: Introduction to economic evaluation, Framing an economic evaluation study, Measurement and valuation of effects, Measurement and valuation of cost, Synthesizing cost and effects, Trial-based economic evaluation, Model-based economic evaluationРекомендована література: Briggs, A., Sculpher, M., & Claxton, K. (2006). Decision modelling for health economic evaluation. Oup Oxford.Drummond, M. F., Sculpher, M. J., Claxton, K., Stoddart, G. L., & Torrance, G. W. (2015). Methods for the economic evaluation of health care programmes. Oxford university press.Форми та методи навчання: lectures, Seminars, independent workМетоди й критерії оцінювання: Rating assessment according to the 100-point system: current control - 70 points (home works, individual project); final control - 30 points (passed/not passed).Мова навчання: English