Код: 317470Назва:
Стратегія економічного розвитку ЄС
Анотація: The course from a selective cycle “Innovative strategy” of the master’s program,
specialty “Economics”. An increased economic interdependence between the countries
all over the globe demands a more determined and coherent response at the government
economic policy level. Ukraine and European countries have long term mutual
economic, cultural and social ties. A detailed analysis of the European Union Economic
Development Strategy is a necessary scientific basis for elaboration of the sustainable
long term national economic policy.
The purpose: formation of an understanding of the conceptual social and
economic foundations of the modern European Union strategy, comparing it with the
Ukrainian concept of economic reforms in a context of a problematics of Ukraine’s
European integration.
The tasks: studying the theory and practice of programming the strategic
economic development of the European Union; concepts and structures of the had been
acting program “Europe 2020”; formation of skills for performing the comparative
analysis of strategic programming in the European Union and Ukraine; formation an
understanding of the principles and indicators of monitoring assessment of the
achievement of strategic goals; formation of competencies concerning the development
of strategic measures of socio-economic policy that will promote the European
integration of Ukraine.
The application of an interdisciplinary approach at disclosing of separate themes
of a course is supposed.
Тип дисципліни: нормативнаРік навчання: 1Семестр: 2Кількість кредитів: 3Форма контролю: залікВикладач(і): Сапачук Ю.М., ст. викл., к.е.н.Результати навчання: To formulate, analyze and synthesize solutions toscientific and technical problems2. To develop, substantiate and make effective decisionsconcerning development of social and economicsystems and management of subjects of economicactivities3. To communicate freely regarding professional andscientific issues in state and foreign languages orallyand in writing4. To develop and manage social and economic projectsand complex actions, taking into account their goals,expected social and economic consequences, risks,legislative, resource and other restrictions5. To adhere to a principle of the academic fairness 6. To estimate the results of their own work, demonstrateleadership skills and the abilities to manage personneland work in a team7. To choose effective methods for managing economicactivity, to justify the proposed solutions on the basis ofrelevant data and scientific and applied researches8. To collect, process and analyze the statistical data, thescientific and analytical materials necessary to solvecomplex economic tasks9. To make effective decisions under uncertain conditionsand the requirements demanding the application of newapproaches, researches and economic and mathematicalmodeling and forecasting10. To apply modern information technologies and aspecial software in social and economic researches andin the management of social and economic systems11. To determine and critically evaluate a condition andtendencies of social and economic development, toform and analyze models of economic systems andprocesses13. To assess the possible risks, social and economicconsequences of management decisions14. To develop scenarios and strategies for thedevelopment of social and economic systems15. To organize the development and implementation ofsocial and economic projects, taking into accountinformation, methodical, material, financial andpersonnel support16. To plan and execute scientific and/or appliedresearches, to draw reasonable conclusions by theresults of researches, to present the results, to argueyour opinion17. To conduct the teaching activity in tertiary educationinstitutions, to develop the scientific andmethodological materials18. To use modern educational and research technologies inthe economics sphere19. To formulate new hypotheses and scientific tasks in theeconomics sphere, to choose the right directions bothcorresponding methods and tools for their solutionСпосіб навчання: аудиторний/дистанційнийНеобхідні обовязкові попередні й супутні модулі: Міжнародна економікаЗміст дисципліни: 1 The introduction to a course:
conceptual framework and structure ofEconomic Growth Strategy «Europe
2 Intellectual Social and Economic
Growth and Industrial Policy
3 Innovative Union and Digital Society
4 European scientific and educational
5 Development of the integration
processes in EU as a reflection of the
European Political economy thought
6 Competitiveness: EU trade policy
regarding the third countries: modern
trends and features
7 European platform against poverty and
the ways to adapt Ukraine’s social
policy to the European standards
8 Supporting of the social unity:
corporate social responsibility as an
EU sustainable development strategy
9 Covid-19 and the Great ResetРекомендована література: Europe 2020: A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. – Brussels. –European Commission, 3.3.2010 COM(2010) 2020 final, 2010. – 34 p.EU’s Growth Strategy ‘Europe 2020’ {http://ec.europa.eu/europe2020/index_en.htm}European Commission – Innovation Union: A Europe 2020 Initiative{http://ec.europa.eu/research/innovation-union/index_en.cfm}Oslo Manual: Guidelines for Collecting and Interpreting Innovation Data, 3rd Edition. -A joint publication of OECD and Eurostat, 2005.National Innovation Systems: A Comparative Analysis. Ed. by R.R. Nelson. – N.Y.,Oxford University Press, 1993.A strategy for sustainable growth “Ukraine – 2020”, approved Gen 12, 2015, # 5/2015{http://zakon1.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/5/2015}European Commission – Innovation Union: A Europe 2020 Initiative – сайт:{http://ec.europa.eu/research/innovation-union/index_en.cfm}European Innovation Scoreboard 2018. – EU, 2018.{http://ec.europa.eu/growth/industry/innovation/facts-figures/scoreboards/files/ius-2015_en.pdf}Science and Engineering Indicators 2018. – NSF (US){https://www.nsf.gov/statistics/2018/nsb20181/}The Global Competitiveness Report 2018. World Economic Forum, Davos{http://www3.weforum.org/docs/GCR2018/05FullReport/TheGlobalCompetitivenessReport2018.pdf}The Global Innovation Index 2018. – Cornell University, INSEAD, WIPO, 2018.{https://www.globalinnovationindex.org/Home}OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2015: Innovation for growth andsociety. – OECD, 2015. {http://www.oecd.org/science/oecd-science-technology-andindustry-scoreboard-20725345.htm}Peer Review of the Ukrainian Research and Innovation System. Horizon 2020 PolicySupport Facility. – European Commission, 2016.http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/llp/jean_monnet/jean_monnet_en.php – Jean MonnetProgrammehttp://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/ukraine/index_en.htm – Delegation of the EuropeanUnion to Ukrainehttp://ukraine-eu.mfa.gov.ua/eu – Mission of Ukraine to the European Unionhttp://www.europa.org.ua/ – Ukrainian European Studies Associationhttp://www.facebook.com/eustudyua?sk=wall – European Studies in UkraineФорми та методи навчання: лекції, семінари, обговоренняМетоди й критерії оцінювання: The minimum threshold level for semester work (the admission to test) is 30 points. In
case of receiving an “unacceptable” grade (1-29 points), the student is obliged to restudy
the course. In case of receiving an “unsatisfactory” grade, the student has the right
on two re-passing a test: to the lecturer and the commission. At the same time, the
maximum final grade after the re-passing can only be at the level of “sufficiently”.
Instead of re-passing to the commission, the student may
choose to re-study the course.
of work
Evaluation criteria
work at the
The task is executed completely. The report is
structured, logical, consistent, contains elements of a
systematic approach. The speaker demonstrates
mastery of the material, the ability to answer
questions and takes an active part in the discussion.
The task is completed partially or with errors. The
report is structured and logical. The speaker
demonstrates partial knowledge of the material, does
not give answers to questions.
The task is completed with significant errors. The
separate parts of the task were not completed. The
speaker unable to answer questions.Мова навчання: англійська