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Політична система Європейського Союзу
Анотація: The goal of this course is to get aquatinted with the main approaches to EU public policy analysis and to offer students a framework to conduct their own research on the EU public policy. To realize the indicated goal, the course introduces major debates about Europe, the EU and Europeans; considers some of the questions connecting with the EU`s enlargement, integration and policy-making, analyzing 4 main theories (neo-functionalism, intergovernmentalism, rational choice theories (institutionalism) and constructivism), which are essential tools for analyzing a policy field. In the frame of the course the EU policy-making is approached from a policy cycle perspective (with its stages of agenda-setting, policy formulation, decision-making, implementation and evaluation). Particular attention is paid to governance (multilevel governance, new modes of governance, policy networks), Europeanization (downloading and uploading) and issues of legitimacy (democratic deficit). A number of policy domains are selected as case-studies. EU public policy provides conceptual and research tools for the critical analysis of public policy and a broad political and historical approach to European and International Studies. It centers on the policy process in the European Union. This course enables students to understand and critically analyze the way in which policies are made in the European Union and the implications thereof. Both formal and informal dimensions are covered. Emphasis is put on the unique character of policy-making in the EU, the diversity of the EU policies and issues of power and influence. The course does not go over all policy areas but reaches the framework and the tools required to analyze a policy area in depth. Тип дисципліни: нормативнаРік навчання: 2017-2018Семестр: 2Кількість кредитів: 3Форма контролю: залікВикладач(і): доцент, к.н. Умланд АндреасРезультати навчання: У результаті вивчення модуля студент повинен:" understanding of major theoretical approaches to public policy making and public policy analysis, the historical development of the contemporary EU public policy landscape, and the application of theoretical and historical knowledge to the analysis and understanding of contemporary issues and cases in the field; " knowledge of the policy cycle method in EU public policy analysis;" identifying peculiarities of the EU political system in comparison to national political system; " critical perspective on EU public policy, inter institutional and member-States relations in the policy-making process; " application of the obtained knowledge and skills for EU public policy analyses.Спосіб навчання: аудиторне, самостійнеНеобхідні обовязкові попередні й супутні модулі: теорії міжнародних відносин.Зміст дисципліни: The goal of this course is to get aquatinted with the main approaches to EU public policy analysis and to offer students a framework to conduct their own research on the EU public policy. To realize the indicated goal, the course introduces major debates about Europe, the EU and Europeans; considers some of the questions connecting with the EU`s enlargement, integration and policy-making, analyzing 4 main theories (neo-functionalism, intergovernmentalism, rational choice theories (institutionalism) and constructivism), which are essential tools for analyzing a policy field. In the frame of the course the EU policy-making is approached from a policy cycle perspective (with its stages of agenda-setting, policy formulation, decision-making, implementation and evaluation). Particular attention is paid to governance (multilevel governance, new modes of governance, policy networks), Europeanization (downloading and uploading) and issues of legitimacy (democratic deficit). A number of policy domains are selected as case-studies. EU public policy provides conceptual and research tools for the critical analysis of public policy and a broad political and historical approach to European and International Studies. It centers on the policy process in the European Union. This course enables students to understand and critically analyze the way in which policies are made in the European Union and the implications thereof. Both formal and informal dimensions are covered. Emphasis is put on the unique character of policy-making in the EU, the diversity of the EU policies and issues of power and influence. The course does not go over all policy areas but reaches the framework and the tools required to analyze a policy area in depth. Рекомендована література: Michael E. Smith (2011): A liberal grand strategy in a realist worldPower, purpose and the EU's changing global role, Journal of European Public Policy, 18:2,144-163;Ben Clift & Cornelia Woll (2012): Economic patriotism: reinventing control over open markets, Journal of European Public Policy, 19:3, 307-323Brigid Laffan (1998): The European Union: a distinctive model of internationalization, Journal of European Public Policy, 5:2, 235-253 Adrian Hyde-Price (2006): 'Normative' power Europe: a realist critique, Journal of European Public Policy, 13:2, 217-234Amie Kreppel (2012): The normalization of the European Union, Journal of European Public Policy, 19:5, 635-645Форми та методи навчання: лекції, семінарські заняття, написання письмових робітМетоди й критерії оцінювання: поточний контроль (80 %) - усне опитування, письмові роботи,
підсумковий контроль (20 %) - контрольні завдання, форма контролю - залік
Мова навчання: англійська, українська