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Рік навчання: 2Форма контролю: залікРекомендована література: Література:James G. AppleandRobert P. Deyling, 1994-1995, Pages 1-32Comparative Legal Education: United States,ContinentalEurope, and England As A Model For Ukraine'sLegalEducation- Pages204-221Federal Courts in the United States - An Overview, RemarksbyJudge Bohdan A. Futey, Pages 173-180The United States Court of Federal Claims: ASpecializedCourt of National Jurisdiction, Pages181-190Seleсtion, Training and Discipline ofJudges, Pages 191-196Judicial Oversight Over the Executive &LegislativeBranchesof Government, Pages197-203Comments on the Constitution of Ukraine, by Bohdan A. Futey, June28,1996, Pages53-64.TheHistoric DecisionofUkraine'sSupremeCourt(Yushchenko v.CEC:Decided December 3, 2004), Pages235-264.The Rule of Law and Democracy ,by Bohdan A. Futey, November30,2005 , Pages1-9.The Orange Revolution: One Year On, by Bohdan A. Futey, December2,2005 ,Pages1-22.Constitution ofUkraine, June 28,1996.Amending the Constitution Must Be Lawful ,Kyiv Post, by BohdanA.Futey, April 24,2008Amending the Constitution in 2015: Working Groups: Individual Rights,the Judiciary, Decentalization 85thAniversaryof the Famine-Holodomor-Genocide 1932-33Regarding the Juridical Characterization oftheHolodomor of 1932-1933 in Ukraine as the Genocide of the Ukrainian people inRelation to the Definition Formulated in the 1948 UN Convention onthePrevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, NationalCommissionfor Strengthening Democracy and the Rule of Law ,September 4,2008 International Legal Responsibility for Genocide :Justice in the Courts,ConferenceonFamine-Holodomor,byBohdanA.Futey,September25-26,2008Law on the Judiciary and the Status of Judges of Ukraine ,by BohdanA.Futey, October 14,2010The Importance of Acknowledging Precedent in Decision-Making,byBohdan A. Futey, January 18,2011CommentsonUSAID's"ProposalsRegardingNextStepsintheJudicialReforminUkraine"(November12,2010)-Conference:OnConstitutionalProvisionsoftheJudicialReforminUkraine,Lviv,March24-25,2011The Ongoing Battle to Protect the Rule of Law in Ukraine ,August 9,2011InternationalConference:RoadstoFreedom-DissentandSocialTransformation:theImportanceofJudicialDecisions,NationalUniversityofKyiv-MohylaAcademy,Kyiv,UkraineOctober7-8,2011TheSuppressionof anIndependentJudiciaryinUkraine,December21,2011The Role of the Jury: A Comparative AnalysisUkraine's Revolution of Dignity (November, 2013 -February, 2014)Quest for Democracy and Rule of Law.Ukraine's Constitution: Twenty Second Anniversary.Ukraine's Independence: 1991-2018.