
Faculty of Computer Sciences

SP "Computer Science and Engineering"

Specialist’s Program “Computer Science and Engineering

Educational Field   0501 “Computer Science and Engineering”

Qualification Granted

Specialist in the field 7.05010101 “Information Management Systems and Technologies”

Qualification Level


Special Requirements for Admission

Higher education (Bachelor’s degree granted by a university with accreditation levels III or IV) in the field  0501  “Computer Science and Engineering”.

Special Regulations for Recognition of Prior Education (formal, informal, or non-certificate)


Program Profile

Specialist Level requires highly qualified software systems specialists who possess the ability to promptly respond to the changing market of software products and to the changing job market.

Total amount of ECTS credits is 60, inc.: mandatory disciplines: disciplines of professional and practical training (52.5 credits) and qualification paper (7.5 credits).

Key Learning Outcomes:

1. Knowledge in the Subject Area

  • Mathematical Analysis
  • Computer Algebra
  • Data Analysis
  • Numerical Methods
  • Optimization Methods
  • Control Theory
  • System Analysis and Decision Theory
  • Programming
  • Computer Software
  • System Programming
  • Computer Networks
  • Databases and Information Systems
  • Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
  • Parallel and Distributed Computing
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Web-programming

2. Cognitive Skills in the Subject Area

  • ability to use professionally profiled knowledge and practical skills of fundamental subjects in information processes;
  • ability to apply the obtained knowledge and skills to solve applied problems;
  • ability to use computer software necessary for scientific work.

3. Practical Skills in the Subject Area

  • ability to develop software for computerized processes;
  • knowledge of modern methods of efficient access to information, its collection, systematization, and storing;
  • ability to use methods of identification and classification of information based on new information technologies with the use of software and hardware tools, local and global computer networks;
  • knowing methods of modeling and forecasting, performing initial evaluation of data;
  • ability to develop mathematical models in the form of differential equations, using the methods of solving differential equations;
  • ability to build effective computational algorithms for calculation tasks, determining the effectiveness of programs using computer software;
  • ability to choose rational algorithms for solving optimization and optimal control  tasks;
  • ability to set specific application problems and find the best solutions using the methods of decision making;
  • ability to develop complex software solutions for enterprises and companies, including the design of computer networks, alternative computer systems with the assessment of the resources required for their implementation;
  • knowledge of modern methods of design programs and software systems and the ability to develop optimal solutions of software, algorithms procedures and operations;
  • skills of collecting, processing, analysis and systematization of scientific and technical information, summarizing the best national and international experience in the area of developing computer software systems.

4. General Skills

  • ability to consider the impact of environmental factors of direct and indirect effect on performing professional activities;
  • various practical skills of computer acquisition and processing of information;
  • ability to work professionally with up-to-date computers;
  • ability to apply knowledge in practice;
  • ability to self-study and continue professional development;
  • communication skills including oral and written communication in Ukrainian, English  and at least one of the widely-spread European languages​​;
  • interaction skills, ability to work in groups, and conflict and stress management;
  • ability for self-discipline and effective time-management.

Professional Graduates’ Profile and Potential Positions

The Specialist in the field of “Information Management Systems and Technologies” focuses on the development of algorithms, design, development and maintenance of computer software.

Access to Further Education

Specialist in the field of  “Information Management Systems and Technologies” can continue university studies at the second level of higher education (Master level) under “Software of Systems” specialty and “Information Management Systems and Technologies specialty”.

Regulations for Examinations, Assessment and Grades

The Tentative Provisions for Knowledge Assessment and Rating System for Students under Credit and Module System of Academic Process.

Graduation Requirements

Complete academic program of 60 credits; and successfully presented qualification paper.

Format of Education


Head of Program

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Mykola M. Glybovets’.

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