
Learning facilities

The National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy owns a complex of facilities that create excellent study environment. Students can make use of nine academic buildings with classrooms and labs, computer classes with access to the Internet, a powerful IT center, a publishing house. Classrooms and laboratories are regularly and actively remodeled, in line with present demands.

The Research Library gives students, teachers, and other employees of the University quick access to information that they need in their studies and research. The Library is an important structural department of the University, always being in the center of the academic, research, cultural and educational processes at NaUKMA. The Library provides the traditional informational resources as well as the latest ones, both local and global.

The Library has its units in the four University’s buildings. There are 7 lending divisions and 12 reading halls that seat up to 612 people. The Library owns a total of 650 870 copies of books (356 670 titles). Around 70 000 titles are available in electronic format.