Centre for Genocide and Human Rights Studies



Director — Dr Myroslava Antonovych

LLM (McGill University, Canada), Doctor of Law, Doctor Hab. (UFU, Germany)

National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy

2 Skovoroda St., building 4, office 325, Kyiv 04655

Tel. (044) 425 6073 (124)

e-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Main Activities

  1.  Education in the sphere of human rights.
  2.  Research in different aspects of human rights (responsibility for the Holodomor (Great Famine) in Ukraine as a crime of genocide under international law, national minorities and indigenous peoples’ rights, internally displaced persons’ rights, human rights and bio-medicine, women and children rights protection).
  3. Offering the Certificate undergraduate level Program on International Human Rights.
  4. Developing curriculum and opening LLM Program in International Human Rights.
  5. Establishing relations with the Council of Ukrainian Human Rights Protection Organizations and creating the network of independent experts in human rights protection field. 
  6. Providing training for human rights activists.
  7. Designing and sustaining the web-site of The Center for Human Rights 
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2 Skovorody vul., Kyiv 04070, Ukraine