
NEW COVID-19 UPDATE: quarantine is prolonged till 11 May, 2020


Based on the new decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine NaUKMA prolonged quarantine measures till 11 May 2020 - initially quarantine was introduced since 12 March through 3 April 2020, firstly prolonged through 24 April 2020.


Since 21 April NaUKMA has been conducting its first fully online examination session of the spring term 2020, with application of the DistEdu NaUKMA Moodle LMS, MyTeams Office365, as well as 20 licensed ZOOM connections, generously granted by the Alumni Fund Ukraine.


Despite the quarantine situation, NaUKMA has launched admission campaign for its International Class 2020. NaUKMA welcomes international students, guarantees personalized guidance through the application and admission process, fully online application and admission with no requirement to visit Ukraine before the classes commence. You are welcome to find information on the NaUKMA offer for the International Class 2020 by the link.


NaUKMA extends its sincerely gratitude to all our international partners – Charles University, Czech Republic; University of Helsinki, Finland; SciencesPo, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France; Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany; University of Turin, Italy; Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Latvia; University of Groningen, the Netherlands; University of Bergen, Norway; University of Granada, University of Almeria, Spain; Kadir Has University, Turkey; University of Glasgow, the UK; Indiana University Bloomington, USA - for taking all possible care of the NaUKMA students and staff, who still remains on the mobility, research stays etc. at these and other universities during this turbulent times.


Please be reminded, that more information on the COVID-19 situation in Ukraine can be found at: 


In case of any questions, related to the NaUKMA situation around COVID-19, international students / staff at NaUKMA, NaUKMA mobile students and staff abroad please contact Larysa Chovnyuk, Head of the NaUKMA International Office on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , mobile phones +38 066 916 21 92 or +38 050 446 52 94

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2 Skovorody vul., Kyiv 04070, Ukraine