
The New University Year Opening

A solemn ceremony of the new academic year opening was held at NaUKMA on August 31st.

This year, 1033 new students were enrolled to Bachelor, Specialist’s and Master’s programs of our university. The newcomers received congratulations from the university professors, alumni and guests. Politician Yuriy Lutsenko, NaUKMA Professor Oleksii Haran, Head of Ukrainian Foundation of Law Oksana Syroyid, and NaUKMA Honorary President Vyacheslav Briukhovetskyi congratulated students on the beginning of a new university year. After the official ceremony, a street performance from the NaUKMA student theatre and presentation of an exhibition from the NaUKMA artistic studio followed.

The new university year started with an inauguration lecture by NaUKMA Honorary Professor Dmytro Nalyvaiko on Sunday, September 1st.

On September 2, students were invited to a lecture by NaUKMA Honorary President Vyacheslav Briukhovetskyi on implementation if Bologna process principles in Ukraine, and a lecture from the cycle Human Spiritual Values by priest Yuriy Boyko “Information Society: Idols, Sanctuaries and Crusades”.

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