
Letter from Organisers of three Actions in Support of Ukrainian Integration with EU

NaUKMA President Serhiy Kvit received a letter from Polish students requesting support for Ukrainian students who protest against the government's actions.




10 December 2013


Honourable Mr. President


We, the organisers of three Actions in Support of Ukrainian Integration with the European Union in Krakow, kindly request that you intervene with the current Ukrainian government to defend the good name of the students in Ukraine. They are manifesting their affiliation with Christian values and European standards in several "Euromaidan" locations in Ukraine and all over the world.


We are concerned, however, with the recent actions of the Ukrainian authorities, which may lead to a declaration of martial law. Our request is guided by our concern for a peaceful resolution to the crisis in Ukraine.


One of the signs that the state authorities are preparing to resolve the situation in Kiev by force is the last statement of the Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov. In his public adress concerning the bloody night delivered on 30 November 2013, he said that the special unit ,,Berkut'' did not fight with protesting students but with provocateurs, who started the fight with units protecting public order. In response to that statement, two Ukrainian students beaten in Kiev by ,,Berkut'' stated publicly that the Prime Minister is lying and has no idea what the young Ukrainians really want. They asked Prime Minister to lend them an ear, acknowledge their needs and reasons for protesting. The real reason behind the demonstrations is the fact that after many years of promises the government did not sign the Association Agreement between Ukraine and European Union. Students and civil society are protesting against the government's actions, which stole Ukrainians' hope of a better life among the family of European nations.


We wish to underscore that our request is driven by our care for a peaceful solution to the current crisis in Ukraine, especially because our grandparents, parents and our professors who had survived the time of martial law in Poland, which was declared as "the lesser evil'' by Wojciech Jaruzelski, whose actions had vanquished the Solidarity Movement and its 10 million members. The positive human energy was subdued for the subsequent 8 years, until the Solidarity was finally reborn in 1989 and Poland was peacefully liberated from the Communist regime. Soon all the other nations enslaved by the Soviet Union followed in our footsteps.


We, participants in the 3rd Action in Support of Ukrainian Integration with European Union in Cracow will continue our support for Ukrainian students on the main square of Kiev, and in the other Ukrainian cities. We have been there and we know that the atmosphere there is peaceful. The main aim of the Ukrainian students is to overcome evil with good. Therefore they will stand by their ideals until

truth will finally prevail over the lies of the current government.


The most prominent Ukrainian poet, Taras Schewtschenko, also believed in these ideals. He once said: “Where there are good people, there will also be truth, and where there's injustice there will be no good.”


We wish our friends in and outside of Ukraine that truth will finally overcome deceit. It is truth that is essential for fully transparent and just elections to take place in Ukraine. This nation needs true authorities, who will understand the causes for the nation's longtime misfortunes and wishes of its forefathers.


Therefore, we kindly ask for your support of our student friends in Ukraine.



Organisers of three Actions in Support of Ukrainian Integration with the European Union

Jagiellonian University Eastern Student Association

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Jagiellonian University Ukrainian Studies Association “Wernyhora”

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Jagiellonian University Ukrainian Philology Association

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