
Letter of Support from Thierry Dhorne

Professor of the University of South Brittany expressed his support for Ukrainians’ struggle for a better Ukraine.

The letter was adressed to NaUKMA President Serhiy Kvit.

Mr President, Dear Serhiy,


I will never forget the spirit of freedom, I found when visiting your university and I have kept with care and proudness the book you gave me about participation in the Orange Revolution.


Now, Ukraine is still on the grill of tenants of the old order, but I am sure that this Ukraine you want to build will win! The sooner the better!


I regret, of course, not to be still with you, but just wanted to let you know that here, the situation in your country is mentioned every day the even makes, and that we, the celts from the other end of Europe, do our best to support you.


Vive l'Ukraine libre !

Bevet Ukren dizalc'h!


Thierry Dhorne

Professeur de Statistique et Analyse de Données Université de Bretagne Sud Institut Universitaire de Technologie de Vannes


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