
Ministry of Education of Ukraine - Plan for the First 100 Days

The Ministry of Education of Ukraine announced the priorities of the new leadership at a press conference on March 4.

The transparency of our work and the inclusion of public discourse is a paramount criteria. Therefore, we are publishing this action plan and we encourage students, educators, and experts to adopt specific steps towards its implementation.


First 100 days - Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine


Improving efficiency, transparency and openness in the Ministry’s work


1. Introduce transparent accounting and publication of the Ministry’sbudget on-line.

2. Conduct a special financial audit.

3. Minimize government spending on support of the minister, deputy ministers, and heads of structural units of the Ministry and its subordinate institutions.

4. Introduce electronic documentation and communications throughout the Ministry of Education, and in the future –implement e-government throughout the educational system.

5. Investigate the corruption schemes in force in the previous administration of the Ministry of Education and Science.

6. Implement mechanisms to involve the public in important decisions: on-line platform for collecting proposals and public debate, conduct professional state of the art research. Reform the Public Council under the Ministry of Education.


Government decentralization in education and ensuring the rights of participants in the learning process


7. Decrease the Ministry’s bureaucratic regulations that were devoid of management content.  Reduce reporting requirements of school administrators, teachers, and lecturers.

8. Reduce bureaucratic reporting throughout educational institutions.

9. Eliminate repressive functions of the State Inspectorate and transfer to it the function of assistance to educational institutions.

10. Establish a moratorium on verification and inspection of educational institutions until the end of the school year, with the exception of routine financial audits and cases of requests by students, teachers, or parents of students.

11. Transfer the function of classificationand provision of academic textbooks to councils of institutions of higher learning, and of textbooks for secondary education to a special independent institution.

12. Provide instruction in the state language and also in the languages of minorities.  Support the use of English in education and scientific research.

13. Assist and support comprehensive programs of student government at the university and secondary education levels.


Participation in the legislative process


14. Adopt the Draft Law "On Higher Education", developed by a team under the leadership of Mychailo Zgurovsky .

15. Cooperate with the Parliamentary Committee on Science and Education regarding the drafting and adoption of the law "On education ".

16. Participate in the Working Group of the Parliamentary Committee on Science and Education on the development of a new model for management of research.


Secondary education


17. Improve, when necessary, appropriate changes to nation-wide education standards, curricula, programs, and other necessities, based on proposals from the community of experts and education professionals.

18. Implement additional public discussion of important documents that were adopted without taking into consideration the comments and suggestions of the expert community and education professionals:  Proposals for the area of professional studies, Proposals for literature studies, and other.

19. Support the annual Ukraine Student Olympiads, the Ukrainian "Teacher of the Year" contest, and international competitions and contests.

20. Ensure a managed completion of the school year, conduct the national final certification of schools on the basis of the right to choose formats directly with the educational institutions.

21. Eliminate the unjustified bans on the use of educational materials published prior to 2012, when they are suitable for use in schools and school libraries.

22. Introduce a transparent process, devoid of corruption, into competitive bidding for selectionand publication of textbooks.


Higher Education


23. Simplifyrequirement for licensing and accreditation of higher education institutions.

24. Separate the Ukrainian Attestation Commission from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to ensure transparency and independence in its work.

25. Ensure transparency in the admission process and respect for the rights of applicants. Enhance the role of external testing.

26. Restore active cooperation with international partners in education programs. Create a database of international educational programs for Ukrainian universities and students.

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