
Universities Build International Electronic Research Bridge

Five universities in Canada and Ukraine have announced the creation of a joint electronic project called the Contemporary Ukraine Research Forum. The project was started in January by the University of Alberta, MacEwan University and Concordia University College in Edmonton and by the Ukrainian Catholic University and the National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy in Ukraine. Their joint research is inter-disciplinary and topics are seen through the lens of many disciplines, including social and political sciences, economics, media studies, religion, folklore, and literature and linguistics.


The project has established both a web site and monthly video-conferences between researchers in Canada and Ukraine. Other post-secondary institutions are invited to participate. Other topics will be added with time and alongside new participants.


The project’s co-directors are Dr. Olenka Bilash from the University of Alberta and Dr. Roman Petryshyn of MacEwan University. Dr. Bilash says that “this is an experiment in using digital means to allow dozens of researchers to collaborate in both individual and team projects in three languages – English, Ukrainian and Russian”.


The project is funded by the Kule Institute of Advanced Study (KIAS), the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies (CIUS) both at the University of Alberta, the Ukrainian Resource and Development Centre (URDC) at MacEwan University, as well as the Alberta Foundation for Ukrainian Education Society (AFUES).


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