
Andriy Syvokon’s Grant 2014

In 2014, the 9th competition for Andriy Syvokon’s Grant to the Best Project Attracting Recourses for NaUKMA Development was held.


The grant, founded by NaUKMA alumnus Andrii Syvokon in 2006, is aimed at stimulating participation of university faculty and students in programmes enabling to attract financial resources for university development.


On October 14, 2014, the Committee of the Competition considered 4 projects:


1) Set of Grants for Development of the American Library at NaUKMA (presented by Tetiana Yaroshenko, NaUKMA University Librarian, Head of the Project; supported by the Embassy of the USA to Ukraine)


2) Development of Interdisciplinary European Studies in Ukraine (Presented by Tetiana Kyseliova, Candidate of Law, PhD (Oxford University, Great Britain), Assistant Professor of the Department of Branch Law Studies, Head of the project; supported by European Commission (Jean Monnet Programme))


3) Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal: Implementation of innovative model of academic communication in humanities (presented by Olga Poliukhovych, PhD (cand.), executive editor)


4) Innovation of teaching and learning European Studies (Presented by Oleksandr Demyanchuk, Doctor of Political Science, Assistant Professor, Head of Department of Political Science, Head of the project; supported by European Commission (TEMPUS Programme))


This year Andriy Syvokon’s Grant went to the project of Innovation of teaching and learning European Studies.


Congratulations to Oleksandr Demyanchuk and the Department of Political Science!

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