
Inauguration Lecture of NaUKMA Honorary Doctor Andrei Zubov

On October 17, NaUKMA Honorary Doctor Andrei Zubov delivered his inauguration lecture Christianity and Variety of Religion Experience.

After a consistent revision of three main religion systems of the world, Dr. Zubov came to the idea that Christianity is based on experience of all the three.


Dr. Zubov also commented current political and social processes in Ukraine. “As a scientist, I see that Ukrainian nation is arising in my eyes. This nation unites people, speaking Ukrainian, Russian and Crimea-Tatar, and other languages. That is a consolidated nation. You are creating it by your courage, love and memory of the past. This is a unique moment. I congratulate you with one of the best moments of your history. Glory to Ukraine!”


A video record of the lecture if available here: .

The lecture was held in Russian.


Andrei Zubov was one of first Russian intellectuals who openly protested against annexation of Crimea. The administration of Moscow State Institute of International Relations broke the employment agreement with Professor Zubov after he declared his position in an article titled “This already used to happen”, published in Vedomosti journal (March 4th, 2014).

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