
International Conference "Philosophy: the New Generation"

 May 21–22, 2015

The Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies of National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla academy”
invites undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students to participate in the 10th interdisciplinary conference

“Philosophy: the New Generation

to be held on May 21–22, 2015 in NaUKMA


The conference is devoted to the issue of innovative approaches, significant shifts and alterations within philosophy and sciences, related to different fields of activity and thought.


Specifically, we plan to confer the following:

  1. Generation gap: ontology and history;
  2. Philosophy as a link between individuals, generations and civilizations;
  3. Revolution vs. Evolution. Progress concerns. Cyclical and linear theories of history;
  4. Disciplinary boundaries: the crisis of concepts and new meanings;
  5. Classic and interpretations: Neo-Platonism, Neo-Kantianism, Neo-Marxism, Post- Structuralism, Postpositivism etc.;
  6. Modern and Postmodern. Author, actor, subject;
  7. Modern philosophy and sciences: new challenges, concerns, approaches;
  8. New religious movements and modernization of tradition



In order to participate in the conference, please fill in the application form (which is added below) and send it along with the abstract to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Please indicate “Conference2015” in the subject field of your letter. Application letters should be sent by March 5, 2015.


Working languages are Ukrainian, Russian and English.


The organizing committee reserves the right to select the applicants.


Conference materials are expected to be published.


Accommodation and food expenses are not covered. However, we might be able to assist participants in securing accommodation at reasonable rates near the conference venue.

The requirements for the summaries and application forms are as follows:

  • application form and abstract should be sent as separate files;
  • volume of abstract: up to 4500 characters including spaces;
  • Times New Roman font, size 12, 1.5 spacing;
  • MS Word text format (.doc extension);
  • standard margins;
  • abstract file must contain the author’s name, institution, department and specialty at the beginning of the text, as well as the name of the report (centered);
  • file names of abstracts and application forms are to be as follows: x_tezy.doc and x_anketa.doc respectively, where x is the author’s surname in Latin letters.
  • references should to be as follows: [McInerny 1998, P. 74];
  • bibliography is to be arranged alphabetically.

Application form (Download)

For more information please visit our website:


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