
National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and Vinnitsa Nationa Pyrogov Memorial University in a European consortium received a funding for suggested project proposal realization under ERASMUS+ Capacity building


A consortium of universities, where National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and Vinnitsa Nationa Pyrogov Memorial University are also included, received a funding of 865.000 Euro for an ERASMUS+ project entitled Bridging Innovations, Health and Societies: Educational capacity building in the Eastern European Neighbouring Areas (BIHSENA). The consortium is led and coordinated by Maastricht university (UM; project leader is Professor of the Philosophy of Public Health Klasien Horstman) and includes Plovdiv University (Bulgaria), Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University (Poland) and others. The project is one of 140 that were selected for funding from ERASMUS+, out of a total number of 515 submitted proposals.


Maastricht University is a longtime partner of NaUKMA in the area of science and education: Maastricht University has facilitated the development and introduction of Health care master program within School of Health since 2004, and since 2008 NaUKMA and Maastricht university are jointly engaged in Health care services research projects and activities. Now the School of Health NaUKMA has the opportunity to establish close cooperation with medical educational institutions and strengthen planning and curriculum development under the coordination of Maastricht university.


The project and its activities are designed to respond to a profound lack of education opportunities in the interdisciplinary area of health, innovations and society. Its aim is also to bridge a gap between (bio)medical and social scientists, academics and practitioners as well as between local and international communities.

According to the project members, the need for such education and interdisciplinary/cross-sectorial engagements is urgent against the background of healthcare systems transformation and attempts to find innovative solutions for persisting health problems in the Eastern European neighbouring areas this project focuses on.

The project team will develop relevant curricula for a post-graduate programme for medical professionals ‘Healthcare governance’, courses ‘Introduction to health systems’ and ‘Interdisciplinary epidemiology’ in Ukraine but also open online courses will be jointly developed and run by consortium members ‘Bridging medical and societal perspectives’ and ‘Health governance: cases from post-communist countries'. The team expects the new programmes to start within two years after the beginning of the project.


During the first year of the Project it is planned to provide training for trainers, to exchange experience in the area of implementation of educational programs at the intersection of health, social sciences and innovation and to develop the content of educational activities to be delivered.


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Erasmus+ is the new European Union programme for Education, Training, Youth, and Sport, with a total budget of 14.7 billion Euro. Set to last until 2020, the programme will provide opportunities for over 4 million Europeans to study, train, gain work experience, and volunteer abroad.
Erasmus+ supports transnational partnerships among Education, Training, and Youth institutions and organisations to foster cooperation and bridge the worlds of Education and work in order to tackle the skills gaps Europe is facing. Click here for more information.

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