
Public Lecture “Antisemitism in the Media from 1988 to the Present: The Ukrainian and Russian Cases” by Vakhtang Kipiani

10 December 2015, 6 p.m.



Kyiv-Mohyla Academy invites you to the lecture by Vakhtang Kipiani that is a part of a lecture series “The Contemporary Antisemitism in Ukraine and Worldwide.”


The lecture will touch upon the following questions:


  • How was antisemitism manifested in the Ukrainian and Russian media in the late USSR?
  • What organizations published antisemitic press?
  • How did the situation change during the 1990s, and how did the most popular media react to publications of the radical groups?
  • What antisemitic “genres” were most circulated in media?
  • What was common to Ukrainian and Russian radicals and what differed?


Vakhtang Kipiani is a Ukrainian journalist, chief editor of the well-known website, Istorychna Pravda. He was a participant of the Granite revolution of 1990. During the 1990s–2000s, he served as a journalist for several newspapers and TV channels. Kipiani studies the history of the informal press in the former Soviet Union and manifestations of extremism in media.


Organized by
Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy,
Ukrainian Association of Jewish Studies,
MA in Jewish Studies Program at NaUKMA.


Venue: Office of the NaUKMA Jewish Studies programs, Kyiv, Voloska Street 8/5, building 5, basement.



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