
December 17, 13:00. Centre for Psychosocial Rehabilitation opening

NaUKMA’s Post-Traumatic Stress Rehabilitation Center


Opening of Centre for Psychosocial Rehabilitation of National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" will take place on December 17th, 2015 at13:00, at Glazunova str. 2/4 at the Conference hall (5th floor).


As a result of a military conflict, tens thousands people require urgent psychological and social help: internally displaced people, ex-combatants, family members of the diseased ones, inhabitants of the areas where the war actions has taken place, including children. A creation of the Centre for Psychosocial Rehabilitation has been opened at the National University of «Kyiv-Mohyla Academy» to answer the growing need in high quality specialized help to those people.


Minister of Education, Sergiy Kvit, and Mayor of Kyiv Vitaliy Klychko, representatives of the Ukrainian government, top-level international officials, representatives of Maltese Internationalrelief agency, psychotherapists, volunteers, partners, friends of the Center and Mohyla academy, will gather together for the opening event.


More information and registration before December 16th by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or telephone 0938171801, Victori Kachai, administrator of the Center.


The Center is located by the metro station "Druzhby Narodiv" (7 minute walk). Map

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