
NAUKMA Electronic Archive “eKMAIR” is in the Top Ten

Accoridng to the ranking of Spanish research group Cybermetrics Lab, National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy» Electronic Archive “eKMAIR” is one of the 10 best national repositories.

The rating is greatly influenced by the popular in Ukraine Webometrics Institutional Repository Ranking, which evaluates number of web pages, external links, PDF files and documents indexed in Google Scholar.

Over the past year more than 3,700 new documents were archived in eKMAIR. Focusing on the “number of web pages” indicator will allow Kyiv-Mohyla Academy achieve obtain even greater heights in the Webometrics ranking.

We encourage KMA researchers to support our Open Access Initiative and archive their works in eKMAIR.

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2 Skovorody vul., Kyiv 04070, Ukraine