
Ivan Mikloš, Slovak politician and the former Minister of Finance of Slovakia

Open lecture, "Austerity policy and economic growth in Ukraine: whether Ukrainian government must implement an active educational, innovation, and industrial policies at nearest time?"

November 1, 15:00



Place: Building 6, room 301




Ivan Mikloš (born 2 June 1960) is a Slovak politician and the former Minister of Finance of Slovakia (2010-2012). He previously served as Slovakia's Minister of Finance from 2002 to 2006 and Deputy Prime Minister for Economy between 1998 and 2002.


In 2004, he was named the top business reformer by the World Bank's Doing Business report. Under his leadership, Slovakia jumped to 32nd place (of 178 economies) on the ease of doing business index. He is also known for attending the annual meeting of the Bilderberg Group in 2005.


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