
Call for Papers – International Symposium: "Three Revolutions – Portraits of Ukraine"

28 February 2017 to 1 March 2017

The Natolin campus of the College of Europe in Warsaw. 


The conference will be held in three languages: English, Polish, and Ukrainian.


The main conference themes include:


- The Revolution on Granite (1990),

- Orange Revolution (2004-2005),

- Euromaidan Revolution (2013-2014);

- Protests on the Maidan as an element of Ukrainian tradition and political culture;

- Revolution in Ukraine in light of theoretical assumptions of revolutionary movements in the world;

- Protest waves in Ukraine: comparative context with similar movements in Central Europe;

- Analysis of revolutionary movements in Ukraine: origins, historical inspirations, and social context;

- Comparing consecutive protest waves in Ukraine in the years 1990, 2004-2005, 2013-2014 from the perspective of the proclaimed values (anti-Communism, liberal democracy, nationalism, etc.) and the vision of a state connected with them;

- Analysis and comparison of the methods of protest (non-violent, revolution of solidarity, the Velvet Revolution as a model of revolution in an authoritarian state, colour revolutions, global context: the "third wave" of democracy);Influence of the events in Ukraine on the social situation in other post-Soviet states;

- The response abroad to the events in Ukraine.


Academic Partners: National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Eastern European Studies program of the University of Warsaw, University College London (School of Slavonic and East European Studies), the University of Alberta Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, and the Centre d'études des mondes russe, caucasien et centre-européen (Cercec), Paris.


More information at the site of College of Europe.

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