
International Workshop “Challenges before and after the ratification of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement: Impact of the Dutch Referendum, the Brexit and future elections in the EU Member States”

30 January, 2017, 09.30 - 12.00





with support of the



EU funded Project "Support for the implementation of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement" implemented by a consortium led by GFA Consulting Group GmBH


organizes International Workshop


"Challenges before and after the ratification of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement: Impact of the Dutch Referendum, the Brexit and future elections in the EU Member States"


30 January, 2017, 09.30 - 12.00,


Kyiv, National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" (Culture and Arts Center of the National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy", Illyntska Str. 9)



The event will focus on discussing the impact of the Dutch Referendum and the Brexit and forthcoming elections in some EU Member States on effective application of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement in Ukraine and beyond.


Issues for discussion:


·         What is temporary application of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement and how long may it last?

·         What are legal consequences for the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement if the Dutch Parliament refuses to ratify it in 2017?

·         How the Brexit may influence the ratification and application of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement in short and long-term perspective?

·         What is potential impact of future elections in some EU Member States on the effective application of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement?

·         What are legal mechanisms for revising and amending the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement?

·         What are legal challenges of territorial application of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement?


Speakers: Prof. Roman Petrov (National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Ukraine); Prof. Victor Mouravyov (Institute of International Relations, Kyiv Taras Schevchenko University, Ukraine) (tbc); Prof. Adam Lazowski (Westminster University, UK); Prof. Peter Van Elsuwege (Ghent University, Belgium) (via skype); (Dr. Stefan Lorenzmeier (University of Augsburg, Germany) (via skype); representative of Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, representative of the Governmental Office for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration.


Languages: English, Ukrainian.


The event is free of charge, please register at Number of seats is limited and allocated on first come first serve basis. More information at


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