
World-known economist John Taylor in NaUKMA

On May 18 Kyiv Mohyla Academy has a pleasure to meet an honorable guest lecture John Taylor, Professor at Stanford University, author of the well-known "Taylor rule", which is used by most central banks of developed and developing countries in making decisions on interest rates.


John Taylor is the Mary and Robert Raymond Professor of Economics at Stanford University, and the George P. Shultz Senior Fellow in Economics at Stanford University's Hoover Institution. He is also the Director of the Stanford Economics Accession Center.


He was a senior economist and member of the Council of Economic Advisers to the US President, Deputy Secretary of the US Treasury. John Taylor is the Winner of Hoagland award and Rhodes award, he was awarded by Stanford Department of Economics and Treasury. He has also Adam Smith, Bradley, Alexander Hamilton awards, Truman medal and Republic of Uruguay medal. He has Bachelor of Economics at Princeton University, PhD in Economics from Stanford University. John Taylor received the Hayek award for the book First Principles: Five Keys to Restoring America’s Prosperity.

The lecture will take place at 10:00, but we ask you to be at 9:45 at Old Academic Building (Congregation Hall).

Do not miss the opportunity to attend the lecture by the world-known scientist in the field of economics!


Venue: Congregation Hall, Kyiv-Mohyla Old Academic Building

Entrance is for students and Kyiv-Mohyla staff only (with student card and IDs).

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