
Kyiv-Mohyla Academy’s alumni participated at the Ukraine Economy Week’s discussion

Tymofiy Mylovanov, alumnus of Master program in Economics, and Inna Sovsun alumnus of Master program in Political studies, participated at the discussion dedicated to classical and alternative education.


At the discussion were argued issues of practical skills and theoretic knowledge, future of higher education in Ukraine. “When you study, then, above all, you change from within; you start living in a different way”, Tymofiy Mylovanov says. “I hope very much that in the future we will be able to conceptually integrate new online education methods into the classical education system. But to do so, a mechanism must be found that will prompt people to seriously compete against one another”. The whole text of the discussion is placed at the VoxUkraine.


Nowadays Tymofiy Mylovanov is an Associate Professor of the University of Pittsburgh, and Inna Sovsun is Senior lecturer at NaUKMA and former Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine. Our alumni continue form progressive attitude to development of university education.


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