
Master Degree Scholarship in Public Management and Administration are available at Kyiv-Mohyla Academy thanks to WNISEF

NaUKMA established twenty-five scholarships for students of Public Management and Administration Master Program. Five of them are for veterans of ATO. The sum covers cost of the first year and can be prolonged for the next year depending on academic progress. All scholarships will be given on a competitive basis.

It became possible to implement the program according to the contract between the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (NaUKMA) and Western NIS Enterprise Fund (WNISEF).


Public Management and Administration is unique and innovative program. It includes:


— Blend of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy’s traditions with the experience of similar American and European programs;

— Knowledge given by leading experts (lecturers and practitioners);

— Modular education system: Friday – Sunday (Gives the possibility to combine work and education).


The program permits ATO veterans to become proficient in management and to join the process of country’s transformation. Public Management and Administration is a valuable contribution into Ukraine’s future. “We believe that education availability can be the best way to help veterans to put an effort in the country development” – mentioned Yaroslava Johnson, WNISEF president and CEO. Public Management and Administration at Mohylianka is the opportunity to become an effective leader, qualified manager and to implement well-balanced social development in Ukraine.


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