
Honorable professor of NaUKMA Oleh Kryshtal started academic year

Mohylianka strongly appreciates traditions and one of them is to start new academic year with the inaugural lection by scientists, famous both in Ukraine and in the World.


This year the speaker was Oleh Kryshtal, famous biophysicist, member of National Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological sciences and Honorable professor of NaUKMA. Oleh Kryshtal worked as a host professor at Kyushu University (Japan), Harvard University (USA), Complitense university of Madrid (Spain), and University of Pennsylvania (USA). Professor Kryshtal is a co-discoverer of phenomenon of selective membrane conductance of nerve cell’s soma.


The topic of the lecture was “Science and Arts: two legs for the advancement”.

“What is the difference between wolves and us, who are conscious? The difference is not only in the ability to reflect, but also in the ability to create the culture. We have the language that helps us to accumulate the knowledge and pass the experience to further generations… It is epochal that people substitutes the process of evolution with the advancement. The advancement has two legs: one of it is science, another one is arts. And the main factor of advancement is evolution of consciousness… Our brain uses metalanguage, and it is natural for us to learn it apprehend it. With the help of metalanguage we can share not only judgments, but also images and feelings”.


Full script of the lecture in Ukrainian you may find here.


Senate of NaUKMA awarded Oleh Kryshtal with the rank of Honorable professor of NaUKMA from 25th of May 2017.



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