
The Academy in ratings: the results of Ukrainian admission campaign 2017


The first rating of the higher educational institution based on the results of 2017 admission campaign was worked out by the Admission.EDUCATION.UA (Вступ.ОСВІТА.UA) information system. This rating was based on the comparative analyses of the results the students entering a certain educational institution showed during External Independent Evaluation (ZNO for Ukrainian abbreviation).

In this rating Kyiv-Mohyla Academy appeared on

  • the 2nd place in the average ZNO performance list among the students who receive governmental grants (with the average level of 188,18 out of 200 points)
  • the 2nd place in the average ZNO performance list among the self-financing students (with the average level of 170,05 out of 200 points)

The later list includes only 200 Ukrainian educational institutions which have the biggest amount of self-financing students with high ZNO results.

An average competition for the governmental grant in Kyiv-Mohyla Academy this year was 25,5 persons per place.

The authors of the named rating system describe its purpose like this: “to make any open data considering the admission campaign public and available to any person interested, first of all for the benefit of the future entrants and their parents”. It really has to prove beneficial for the 2018 universities applicants, for it is meant to “help them to navigate among the higher educational institutions of Ukraine and their requirements, to estimate their own chances with every institution and to make a conscious and thoughtful choice of a place to receive a higher education in”.

This rating is based on the 2017 year’s data obtained by the Admission.EDUCATION.UA information system from the Common National Base of Information regarding Education according to the agreement between Admission.EDUCATION.UA system and Inforesurs SOE.

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