
An International Conference for Young Researchers at Kyiv-Mohyla Academy


The Department of History of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, The Student Scholarly Society "Potluck" and The Center for Polish and European Studies invite you to attend an International Conference for Young Researchers entitled Exploring the Past: New Social History at the Crossroads of Methodological Trends.


Dates: March 22-24 2018 (Thr.-Sat.)

Venue: Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Center for Polish and European Studies - Basement of Bulding 6 (Volos'ka str. 10)

Working languages: Ukrainian, English, Polish


The list of participants include students and young scholars from Ukraine, Poland, Russia, Hungary, Germany, Spain and USA.

The range of topics include historical sociology and anthropology, urbanism, gender studies, history of everyday life, oral history, history of education, erudition and historical anthropology of religion.

The program is also supplied by the excurtion in the Historical Museum of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and the evening of traditional Ukrainian music with the US Orchestra.


Participation is FREE. Everyone are welcome!


A detailed program of the Conference can be found here.


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