
Specialists from Kyiv-Mohyla Academy launched a free course in the research of corruption for Prometheus platform

Specialists from the Kyiv-Mohyla Anti-Corruption Research and Education Center (ACREC) and from Interdisciplinary Corruption Research Network (ICRNetwork) developed a free on-line course The Research of Corruption: How It Works? for Prometheus platform.

The initiators and sponsors of this project are Renaissance International Foundation, Open Society Initiative for Europe (OSIFE) and the Embassy of Sweden in Ukraine.


Information about the course:

For whom?

Oriented first of all on graduate, post-graduate and doctoral students with majors in Social Sciences, also would be interesting for social and political analysts, journalists and public activists.

About what?

  • what is the research of corruption and anti-corruption

  • basics of scientific research design

  • measuring corruption: indexes and indicators

  • sociological surveys, interviews and other methods of data collection

  • quantitative and qualitative methods in the research of corruption

  • how can the research of corruption help to develop an anti-corruption policy

  • how results of the research of corruption can be used in advocacy

The course will teach you the fundamental methodology that you will be able to use in practical research and analytical studies.

Who teach?

  • Oksana Hus, Doctoral Student, Institute of Development and Peace, Duisburg-Essen University (Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden, Universität Duisburg-Essen)

  • Ilona Vismulek, Researcher, Cross-National Studies: Interdisciplinary Research and Training Program (CONSIRT), Ohio State University, Polish Academy of Sciences (Polska Akademia Nauk)

  • Niklas Kossow Doctoral Student in Governance, Researcher, ANTICORRP Communications Officer

  • Alina Mungiu-Pippidi, Professor of Political Sciences, journalist, expert in political corruption fighting

  • Marina Povitkina, Doctoral Student, Department of Political Sciences, Quality of Government Institute, University of Gothenburg (QoG-institutet, Göteborgs universitet)

  • Iaroslav Iurchyshyn, Executive Director, Transparency International Ukraine, public activist, expert in advocacy and corruption fighting, Kyiv-Mohyla alumnus 2010

How long?

5 weeks

When it starts?

In May 2018

How can I register?

Please, visit the web-page of the course.

(language of teaching – Ukrainian)

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