
Communique from the meeting of the Ukrainian-Polish Commission for the study of relations in 1917-21

On December 7, 2020, fifth meeting of the Ukrainian-Polish Commission for the study of relations in 1917-21, which has been created on March 22, 2018 within NaUKMA and Warsaw University, took place. The Commission’s task is continuation of the search and examination of the archival documents to meet the mutual demand of the Ukrainian and Polish community in deepening the knowledge of the mentioned events. Commission comprised of eight Ukrainian and eight Polish historians, who study the events of Ukrainian revolution and the struggle of the Polish people for independencе. Сhairs of the Commission were Prof. Vladyslav Versyuk and Prof. Jan Jacek Bruski. 

During the meeting, Jan Jacek Bruski delivered a report, devoted to the international context of “Pilsudski-Petlura Alliance”. There was also a discussion, covering this context in the period of 1920–21. The decision was taken about continuing publishing both series – Works of the Commission and Sources.

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