
The start of the Swiss-Ukrainian project «University Transformation through Complex Diagnostics»

Kyiv-Mohyla Academy became the university-partner of the project in Ukraine. Presentation of the project took place on December 11, 2020.


The project will carry out the piloting of the modern approaches to complex analysis of the strategy, finance, institution’s overall and staff management, peculiarities of the national law application to the university activity; elaboration of envisaged changes and the road map for their implementation, as well as the formation of the governance model and search for the points of growth.    


“A rapidly developing environment and globalization challenges put forward the fundamentally new demands before universities, both in terms of governance instruments and methods for the analysis and evaluation of the higher education institutions’ activity, - comments on participation in the project the NaUKMA Acting President Tetyana Yaroshenko. – The development of the modern higher education institutions is impossible without applying modern approaches to governance, which will permit optimizing and developing management processes, roles, increase the transparency of information, organize the reporting system etc. And an independent complex diagnostics is exactly that primary, important and integral part of such an approach.  That is why, the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy is extremely grateful to all the initiators and donors of the project for the invaluable opportunity to become the pioneer of the complex diagnostics of the university governance processes, which will serve the basis for the development of clear instruments for the successful transformations of both our university, as well as the road map for the introduction of effective changes also in other Ukrainian universities in the future”


In the press conference devoted to the start of the project of complex diagnostics of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy took part: Serhiy Babak, Chairman of the Committee of Verkhovna Rada on the Issues of Education, Science and Innovations; Oleh Sharov, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, Claude Wild, Ambassador of Switzerland to Ukraine; Tetiana Yaroshenko, NaUKMA Acting President; Iryna Ivanchyk, Co-Founder of the CF «Believe in Yourself»; Svitlana Mozgova, Chairman of the Board of the CF «Believe in Yourself». 


The results of the project will provide the practical recommendations for Ukrainian universities and factual data obtained within the project will serve the basis for preparation of potential amendments to the reform of higher education.

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