
Kyiv-Mohyla Law and Politics Journal - 2020


“Kyiv-Mohyla Law and Politics Journal” is pleased to announce that its 6th annual issue is published online.


The editorial team would like to express our words of appreciation to the authors, namely Mykola Koziubra, Roman Petrov, Luca Raineri, Kateryna Ivashchenko-Stadnik, Oleksiy Kononov, René Värk, Isaac Andakian, Denitsa Marchevska, Svitlana Batsyukova, Ivan Ng Yan Chao, Patryk Kowalski, and Ondřej Svoboda (representing 8 countries of the world this year) who contributed their works to this issue.  Separate word of appreciation goes to our strict reviewers from all over the world who took their time to ensure all our publications are of the highest academic quality and assisted editorial team in keeping high standards of the journal. 


Special thanks also go to Kyiv office of Baker McKenzie and their Managing Partner Mr. Serhiy Chorny as well as law firm ANTE for continuous financial support of the journal.  


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