
Congratulations to the Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal on the successful indexing in Scopus

Starting with Vol.7 (2020), the Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal is included in the Scopus citation database. This is the first of the Kyiv-Mohyla scientific publications included in this database.



Indexing in Scopus is a significant achievement for journals around the world. This achievement is a confirmation of the quality of the journal for other members of the scientific community. Also, indexing in the Scopus and Web of Science citation databases indicates that the journal provides high quality content that is reviewed by special international commissions for the selection of journals. The Scopus Content Selection and Advisory Board is responsible for this quality selection: less than half of the submitted journal titles are selected for indexing in Scopus.



The Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal covers a wide range of fields of literature, history and philosophy, focusing mainly on Central, Eastern European and Ukrainian studies. The journal has an international editorial board, with affiliations in such institutions as Harvard University (USA), Yale University (USA), University of Alberta (Canada), University of Milan (Italy), The University of Wroclaw (Poland), University of New South Wales (Australia) and a wide range of authors and readers around the world. The journal is also indexed in the Web of Science (Emerging Source Citation Index), full-text databases DOAJ, EBSCO and other scientific databases.



Scopus, a product of the large commercial publishing house Elsevier (Netherlands), is one of the largest databases of scientific literature, including peer-reviewed scientific journals, books and conference proceedings, contains 70 million documents, with publications from 1996 of more than 22 000 magazines.



Access to citation databases at NaUKMA is provided within the national subscription of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, allowing students, graduate students, graduates, teachers, staff and scientists of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy to have free full access to Web of Science, ScienceDirect and Scopus.

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