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In September 2021, NaUKMA started new 2021/22 academic year and welcome the new cohort of the Bachelor and Master students. Admission campaign to join the NaUKMA PhD programs continues through the end of September.


Despite the extension of the Corona-19 quarantine measures in Ukraine through October 2021, most of the freshmen and freshwomen of the NaUKMA Bachelor and Master programs started their classes at the university classrooms.


Traditionally new academic year started on August 31, 2021 with the Inauguration ceremony for the newly admitted students. Instead of the single university ceremony of the previous years, this year each faculty was hosting its own one, with more family setting and all the happiness of in person meetings and greetings after the Corona-19 pause of the “offline” university life. The students were greeted by the honorary guests: Vitaliy Klychko, Mayor of Kyiv; Eugene Czolij, President of Kyiv-Mohyla Foundation of Canada, President of the Ukrainian World Congress (2008-2018), Doctor Honoris Causa of NaUKMA, President of NGO “Ukraine-2050”; Serhiy Kvit, Head of the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance (NAQA), Professor of the Mohyla School of Journalism; Olena Maslyukivska, NaUKMA alumna, co-founder of the NGO “Green Wave”, National Action Coordinator for EU4Environment Program in Ukraine at OECD


September 1 started with the inaugural lecture of the newly awarded Doctor Honoris Causa of NaUKMA Professor Andriy Danylenko. Andriy Danylenko is professor of Russian and Slavic linguistics of the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures at Pace University (New York). He is the editor and author of several books and more than 150 articles on Slavic linguistics and philology. In his inaugural speech, Prof. Danylenko made a brilliant excurse into the history of Western influences on Ukrainian culture in the early modern period, presented the witnesses of Arabic source on the medieval history of Kyivan Rus, and interpreted the introduction of Slavic alphabet as a revolutionary invention, inspired by local elites. Professor Danylenko emphasized that Ukrainian culture does not lay on the margins of great cultures and is not torn between the West and the East, but constitute a unique original culture, not inferior to its Western or Eastern neighbors.


On September 2, 2021 NaUKMA new students were introduced to another NaUKMA tradition of the beginning of academic year – series of lectures “Spiritual values of a person”, which this year was presented Bishop Borys Gudziak, Archeparch of Philadelphia for Ukrainians and Metropolitan for the Ukrainian Catholic Church in USA, author and editor of books and articles on church-historical, spiritual, theological topics, President of the Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv. “University experience – this is not about knowledge. History shows us, that knowledge could be dangerous without love. Therefore university years are for your harmonious development: try to develop your thoughts, and soul, and spirit, and your hart…” – addressed Bishop Borys the NaUKMA students.


The first week of the 2021/22 academic year finished with the FreshFest 2021, the student festival, traditionally organized by the NAUKMA student organizations for the NaUKMA freshmen and freshwomen to fully immerse into the NaUKMA student life.




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