

2021 was the year of 30th anniversary of revival of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and beginning of its newest history. On September 19, 1991, the then Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Leonid Kravchuk signed the Order of the Verkhovna Rada "On the Revival of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy". This was the beginning of a new, no less significant stage in the 406-year history of the university.


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Photo from article

"Given the need for highly educated personnel to govern the state and represent Ukraine in the international arena, realizing the outstanding role played by the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy as the first higher education institution in Eastern Europe, based on the conclusions of the Verkhovna Rada Commissions on Public Education and Science , on culture and spiritual revival: 1. To resume the activities of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy in Kyiv on its historical territory as an independent higher education institution called: University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy ", - said in the Order.


The team, led by the rector-organizer Vyacheslav Bryukhovetsky, began to create the first free university in the post-Soviet country - free from ideological dogmas, outdated standards and restrictions, corruption. The revival of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy in 1991 was rightly perceived by society as one of the most important symbols of the revival of the independent Ukrainian state.


Historically, since 1615 when it was established by Petro Mohyla, the Academy has been the site of a Ukrainian elite capable of ensuring the sustainable European development of the country. And this mission was inherited by the revived Academy and is fundamental for the modern generation of Mohyla residents.


It was NaUKMA that became the source and initiator of almost all systemic, strategic reforms in the field of education that took place in independent Ukraine during the 30 years of its existence. NaUKMA for the first time in Ukraine introduced:

  • bachelor's programs (1992);
  • free trajectory of study - formation of the student's own curriculum (Liberal Arts Education - 1992);
  • 100-point credit rating system of knowledge assessment (1992);
  • Trimester / term system of organization of the educational process (1992);
  • own university degree;
  • two-year master's programs;
  • Western-style doctoral programs;
  • new specialties for Ukraine and unique schools created in cooperation with leading Western universities.


By the very example of its daily activities, NaUKMA proved that in Ukraine, despite all restrictions, it is possible to build a free, democratic, innovative university, where academic freedom, respect and honesty prevail, and education and science are based on the principles of free creative search and responsibility.

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2 Skovorody vul., Kyiv 04070, Ukraine