
NaUKMA will enhance the potential of school teachers in Ukraine for work with children psychologically traumatized by the war

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NaUKMA Center for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support received a grant from the Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation (OeAD-GmbH) under the support of Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research for the implementation of the project “SAFE SPACE – Emergency Psychological Support for Students and School Teachers”.

The aim of the project is to provide necessary support for school teachers in working with traumatized children. Russia's attack on Ukraine has led to significant suffering of children, their encountering of escape, violence and death. In addition to the core content load and training, teachers are now faced with the task of recognizing traumatized children, caring for them, creating emotionally safe classes, or even detecting trauma and referring traumatized children to a school psychologist. Therefore, the project is designed to meet the existing demands of teachers and help them increase the effectiveness of psychological adaptation of students. As a result, the project will provide 2 training packages tailored to the current needs of teachers and students, 2,500 teachers will gain knowledge on how to strengthen students' resilience and strengthen their personal capacity to cope with stress, and approximately 125,000 children in Ukraine will benefit indirectly through psychosocial support provided by 2,500 teachers who undergone trainings under the “Safe Space” program.


To achieve the goal and anticipated results of the project, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (NaUKMA), as project’s implementing organization, will collaborate with two primary project partners – State Service of Education Quality of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.


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