
NaUKMA received a one-year grant from the Simons Foundation to support university scientists and institutional research capacities in the field of natural sciences in wartime

In 2023, the NaUKMA Faculty of Natural Sciences will implement the Simons Foundation’s grant "Preserving the research profile of the NaUKMA in natural sciences during wartime" within the framework of the Presidential Discretionary-Ukraine Support Grants.


In response to the ongoing war in Ukraine, the Simons Foundation, which is one of the largest private philanthropic foundations in the United States, launched an emergency program to support Ukrainian researchers in the field of natural sciences by providing grants to be used to supplement the monthly salary of researchers and ensure the sustainability of research activities of such fellows and educational institutions in times of war. Within the framework of the grant, on the basis of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of NAUKMA, both experienced and young researchers of the Faculty (with the degree of Doctor of Philosophy or a higher degree and active publications during the last 5 years, as well as selected graduate students) will receive the additional grant funding for the opportunity to continue their own theoretical and applied research ensuring the sustainability of the Faculty research profile in the wartime.

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