
NaUKMA Adopts Regulation on the Ethics of Scientific Research and Prevention of Research Misconduct at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy

National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy does not stand aside from the best international research practices and constantly makes efforts to ensure transparency and compliance with established international standards in the conduct of scientific research by researchers and structural units of the university. Over the past few years, university has not only completed necessary registrations with a number of key international research structures and now has all the necessary international registrations and certifications that allow it to fully participate in a whole range of new international research grants, including human research, by officially registering its Institutional Review Board at OHRP and having met all the requirements for obtaining FWA certification, but also develops and adopts important university policies and procedures in accordance with the established practices of the international research community.


Last year, university has developed and adopted the Regulation on Financial Conflict of Interest in Externally-Funded Research that is already being actively used in the implementation of a five-year grant from the US National Institutes of Health. And already this year, the NaUKMA Academic Council has just adopted the Regulation on the Ethics of Scientific Research and Prevention of Research Misconduct at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, which is one of the most fundamental policies for the majority of leading international educational and research institutions around the globe that outlines key requirements for participants of the research process and ways to prevent misconduct in research practices.


In its activities, NaUKMA embodies the principle of academic freedom, particularly in conducting scientific research, at the same time, all members of the university's research community when conducting scientific research must adhere to the ethics of scientific research and make every effort to prevent misconduct in conducting research, such as academic plagiarism, falsification, fabrication, assignment of authorship, etc. The Regulation not only outlines the basic principles of the ethics of scientific research, defines main types of research misconduct, but also defines university measures to prevent such cases, procedures for their settlement, in particular, the important role of the Research Ethics Committee, which was created for guaranteeing the compliance with the ethical standards, principles and concordance with the international practices in conduct of research and its application. The adoption of such policy will not only ensure the compliance with the key international research practices and standards, but will also maintain the university's reputation as a reliable partner in the international research collaboration and grant projects.

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