
NaUKMA Project Is Selected for Funding Under the EU External Financing Instrument

The Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1103, issued on August 5, 2024, has approved the competitive selection’s final proposals on the list of scientific works, scientific-technical and infrastructure projects, which will be financed by the funds of the special fund received through the EU External Financing Instrument for the fulfillment of Ukraine's obligations in the EU Research & Innovation Framework Program "Horizon 2020".


Among the projects that will be financed is also the project of the National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" on the topic: "Ecological and Economic Optimization of the Logistics Infrastructure in the Conditions of War and Post-War Recovery of Ukraine", prepared by researchers of the NaUKMA Research Laboratory "Earth Sciences", headed by the Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Ecology Lidia Horoshkova.



The project was submitted under Direction 2 (execution and implementation of scientific, scientific-technical works and scientific, scientific-technical projects by institutions of higher education, small and medium-sized enterprises and scientific institutions), sub-direction 2.1 "Scientific Works", thematic direction of scientific work – new technologies of environmental protection, rational nature management and bioeconomy. Doctor of Chemistry, Professor and Senior Researcher of the NaUKMA Research Laboratory "Earth Sciences" Volodymyr Zaitsev was appointed as the Project Lead.


The duration of the project will be two years with the start of implementation in September 2024.


More details are available at the link.


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