
New UNESCO/EU project to preserve Jewish documentary heritage in Ukraine presented at NaUKMA


On March 18, a new large-scale project dedicated to preserving Jewish documentary heritage and promoting intercultural dialogue in Ukraine funded by the European Union and implemented by UNESCO in Ukraine was presented at NaUKMA. The project “Preserving Ukraine’s Jewish documentary heritage, honouring collective memory, enhancing knowledge and access to archives while promoting intercultural dialogue” aims to preserve and ensure access to the cultural and documentary heritage of the Jewish community in Ukraine, as well as to promote the recognition of such heritage and its valuable contribution to the diversity of cultural manifestations and the history of Ukraine.


The event brought together key stakeholders, policymakers, artists and cultural experts to discuss the preservation of Ukraine’s rich documentary heritage, with a special focus on Jewish archives, collective memory, and cultural diversity in Ukraine. Our university’s experts also had the opportunity to join the event, presenting the NaUKMA contribution to the preservation and research of Jewish documentary heritage in Ukraine. Vice President for Research Academic Affairs, Olga Poliukhovych, also addressed the participants with a welcoming speech. We wish the project a successful start and look forward to fruitful cooperation with the project!



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