
Research Ethics Policy

Research ethics is the protection of human and animal subjectsin the planning, conduct and reporting of research.


NaUKMA is committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards and principles in the conduct of its research. The Research Ethics Policy sets out the principles underpinning the ethical conduct of research and defines the process and principles for the objective and rigorous ethical review of research which falls within its scope.



NaUKMA  institutional review board (IRB) 



NaUKMA  Institutional Review Board (IRB) is  the university committee that reviews and approves human subject research for the purpose of protecting the rights and welfare of those subjects. The Board is charged with the responsibility to formulate and implement procedures to assure the University's compliance with federal, state, and institutional regulations for the safeguarding of the welfare and well-being of human subjects involved in research projects. 

The IRB is charged with the responsibility of reviewing, prior to its initiation, all research (whether funded or not) involving human participants. The IRB is concerned with protecting the welfare, rights, and privacy of human subjects. The IRB has the authority to approve, disapprove, monitor, and require modifications in all research activities that fall within its jurisdiction as specified by both the federal regulations and institutional policy. 


Chairperson  Tetiana Yurochko, PhD, Head of NaUKMA School of Public Health  

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