
On 25 - 28 October 2021 NaUKMA was hosting International Research Conference «Ad fontes»

“Ad fontes” is a series of conferences, organized by NaUKMA each year 5 years since 1995. This year conference was dedicated to the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy’s 405th anniversary, which the university celebrated in 2020, while the conference was rescheduled for October 2021 due to the Corona-19 quarantine limitations.


The conference’s main goal is to gather academics from different countries and academic fields – history, philology, theology, literary studies - whose academic focus of attention is history of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, one of the oldest universities in Eastern Europe, in the wider educational, cultural, historic, religious, social etc. contexts of Eastern and East-Central Europe.




“Ad fontes” 2021 conference is supported by NaUKMA and by the Daria and Mylhailo Kowalsky (Canada), supported by the Canadian Foundation for Ukrainian Studies (CFUS) and International Charitable Fund for the Renaissance of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.
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