General and Slavic Linguistics


General Information

The Department of General and Slavic Linguistics was established in 2007. The main aim of the Department is to train qualified specialists – Bachelors and Masters – in philology by giving them the most modern knowledge and providing the widest erudition.


The program of the Bachelor studies mostly consist of the disciplines in linguistics, Slavic languages and the history of Ukrainian and other Slavic languages. Besides that the Department offers a number of electives courses, the most popular of them being

  • Ancient Greek
  • Latin
  • Second Slavic Language (Polish, Czech, Bulgarian or Serbo-Croatian)
  • Turkish Language


We also have a Certificate Program in Translation Studies opened for the students of all specializations who wish to master the art of Ukrainian-English and English-Ukrainian translation and to receive the additional certificate of English translator and interpreter.


The Master program in Philology (specialization Theory and History of Ukrainian Language and Comparative Studies) is aimed at deepening the knowledge and skills received by the Bachelors. Here we offer the widest range of courses in the fields of linguistics and the related humanities, a half of which are electives.


The professors of the Department are also working as supervisors of the PhD dissertations in three specializations:

  • Ukrainian Language
  • General Linguistics
  • Comparative Linguistics and History of Languages


the dissertations can be defended at the special committee which exists at the Department.


More than that – our professors and PhD students, as well as the students of BA and MA programs have an opportunity to publish the results of their research work in two annual periodicals edited by the Department:

  • The Scientific Notes of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy: Philology. Linguistics (Наукові записки НаУКМА: Філологічні науки (мовознавство)) edited by the Head of our Department Prof. Vasyl’ Luchyk
  • Magisterium: Linguistics (Маґістеріум: Мовознавчі студії)


The thing the Department of General and Slavic Linguistics can be really proud of is its teaching staff – the most famous and respected scholars are giving their original courses here, many of them have international honors. To name just a few of the most prominent:

  • Prof. Vasyl’ Luchyk, the Head of the Department, the author of three scientific monographs, a famous manual, two dictionaries
  • Prof. Alla Luchyk, the author of three dictionaries and two scientific monographs
  • Prof. Izabella Buniiatova, the author of four scientific monographs
  • Prof. Vitalii Peredriienko, the author of two scientific monographs and three books of the Monuments of Ukrainian Language series (Пам’ятки української мови)
  • Prof. Ferhad Gardashkan Oglu Turanly, the author of two scientific monographs


The teachers of all Slavic and Turkish languages are the native speakers with international diplomas. The Department provides the students with an opportunity to receive the international or foreign diplomas as well – our exchange programs and internships are connected with the universities of Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, Great Britain, Turkey, Latvia and many other countries.

Department Staff:

Turanly Ferhad Gardashkan Oglu


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2 Skovorody vul., Kyiv 04070, Ukraine