Psychology and Pedagogy


The educational and scientific program in psychology aims to prepare a new generation of highly qualified specialists capable of working according to the best world standards, preserving and creatively developing the main achievements of the national psychological science.


The Department of Psychology and Pedagogy was established in 2015. Today it has ten teachers, three of whom are full Doctors of Sciences, four are PhDs (Candidates of Sciences) and one has a Doctoral Degree in medicine.


The sphere of scientific interests of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy covers such problems of psychological science as:

  • conflict psychology and mediation
  • psychology of decision-making
  • psychosemantic aspects of personality psychology
  • problems of clinical psychology and psychotherapy (including in the context of war injury)
  • methodology of psychological research
  • psychological and pedagogical conditions of the professional development of future specialists


There is a special Center for Conflict Studies and Psychoanalysis at the Department headed by Professor Andrii Hirnyk, PhD in Philosophy. The International Scientific and Practical Conferences on Theory and Methodology of Conflict Expertise are held on the base of the Center annually, their results are published in special collections.


The Department also participates in the work of the Kyiv-Mohyla Center for Psychosocial Rehabilitation created in 2015 to provide specialized counseling and psychotherapeutic assistance to the internally displaced persons, volunteers, the Anti-Terroristic Operation participants and their families.


Professors of the Department publish the results of their scientific research in professional and scientific editions of Ukraine, they are authors of a number of monographs, as well as educational and methodical manuals, for instance:

  • Girnik A. M. Fundamentals of Conflict (Kyiv, 2010). [Гірник А. М. Основи конфліктології (К., 2010)]
  • Kopets L.V. Experimental Psychology: Theory and Practice of a Psychological Experiment (Kyiv, 2008). [Копець Л. В. Експериментальна психологія: теорія і практика психологічного експерименту (К., 2008)]
  • Kopets L.V. Classical Experiments in Psychology (Kyiv, 2010). [Копець Л. В. Класичні експерименти в психології (К., 2010)]
  • Bodnar A. Ya., Golubeva M. O., Davydiuk N. M. Fundamentals of Psychology and Pedagogy (Kyiv, 2011). [Боднар А. Я., Голубєва М. О., Давидюк Н. М. Основи психології та педагогіки (К., 2011)]
  • Chernobrovkin V. M Psychology of Decision-Making in Pedagogy (Lugansk, 2010). [Чернобровкін В. М. Психологія прийняття педагогічних рішень (Луганськ, 2010)]
  • Chernobrovkina V. A Psychology of Personal Freedom (Luhansk, 2012). [Чернобровкіна В. А. Психологія особистісної свободи (Луганськ, 2012)]


The Department supports and develops scientific contacts with the leading research and educational institutions of Ukraine, universities and scientific institutions of other countries, and international humanitarian organizations, including Johns Hopkins University (USA), International Medical Corps, UNICEF, etc.


The strategic plans of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy include

  • introduction of the system of postgraduate education in the Psychology (professional development courses, postgraduate and second graduate education)
  • promotion of the collection Scientific Notes Kyiv-Mohyla Academy: Psychological Sciences as a professional edition
  • preparation of textbooks and teaching manuals in psychological disciplines for higher educational institutions
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2 Skovorody vul., Kyiv 04070, Ukraine