Tetiana Stepurko


Undergraduate Studies Coodinator, Associate Professor, PhD (2013)

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I have joined the Department of Sociology in 2020 as a lecturer, however earlier I have been involved in its activities as a student - I have graduated Sociology Bachelor's programme in 2004 and Sociology Masters Program of NaUKMA in 2006. I was involved in the first enrollment of the master students to the health care management program in 2004 and since that time I was engaged at the School of Public Health processes in several roles – as program manager/administrative director, as senior lecturer, as head of master program and as researcher. In particular, in 2007 I started my teaching career at the School of Public Health with Research Methods course  and supervision of Master theses. 


Concerning my international experience, in 2008 I was enrolled as a PhD student within the ASSPRO CEE 2007 project within two PhD programs – Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and Maastricht University  -  that was considered a double-degree program. Prof.dr.Milena Pavlova and prof.dr.Wim Groot led the project and supervised PhD thesis at Maastricht University and dr.Irena Gryga - at Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. Based on the PhD dissertation, 5 papers in international high impact factor peer review journals  as well as several book chapters have been published. The topic of my PhD research was Informal patient payments in Central and Eastern European countries which allowed me to combine previous social science background with newly obtained knowledge on health care systems. After I obtained a PhD degree, I have also become a co-supervisor of PhD theses at Maastricht university (which are also supervised by prof.dr.Milena Pavlova and prof.dr.Wim Groot). My research and educational activities are linked to various projects, including Health index.Ukraine (principal research 2015 - 2019), BIHSENA - Erasmus plus project.

I am also involved in building an Ukrainian community of change agents for health care system and its transformation: jointly with other projects and international organizations (e.g. World Bank, UNICEF) we have created a unique platform for health care managers, policy-makers, representatives of civil society – the so-called Summer and Winter schools. Since 2019, I am also the head of the   Ukrainian – Swiss project “Medical education development” implementation office in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Nowadays I enjoy innovative and multisectorial collaboration in education and research (research on informal practices, corruption, health care services and medical education).

Teaching (2020 - 2021):

Undergraduate courses (BA "Sociology")):

  • Health and medicine in society


Graduate courses (MA“Health care management”):  

  • Research methods



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